Credit Reports
Sub-Prime Reports
Banking Header Report
Verify Applicant
Driver's License Search
Employment Verification
NADA Vehicle Pricing
Indirect Lending
Web Application
Automotive;   Verify Applicant;   People Search

SEARCH multiple credit bureau repositories, the RBOC phone database and public record databases with just one product.  Quickly VALIDATE application information and previous residencies.  GET name, age, date of birth, social security number, current address, current phone number, previous addresses and AKA's.

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When should I use a People search?
You should use a people search as your primary search for skip tracing or verification. Over 100 data sources are searched at a fraction of the cost of similar products. A Trade Detail report can be requested from this search to give an even greater detail of verified and non-verified addresses, associates, neighbors, neighborhood and relatives.

How do I search effectively?
  1. Use only a social security number to get the best results
  2. Try last name, first name and state as a secondary search for additional results
  3. Enter additional information like date of birth, address, city and/or zip when too many results are returned
  4. Only enter a middle initial as a last resort to narrow search results
  5. Additional matches can be returned if you enter a wildcard or range for street number(e.g, 24*, 2400:2600)
  6. When a match is found, an additional address search can be requested
  7. When a match is found, request a Trace Detail report to get additional information
  8. If a bankruptcy indicator is returned, a Bankruptcy Search may also be requested
What sources are searched?
What information is returned?
How else can this product be used?
This product is great tool for skip tracing. Flagging an individual's birth date may help in the future where other methods have failed. With this date, you can watch for Driver’s License and/or Motor Vehicle Registration renewals.

How do I Setup?
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